What Is The Appeal Of Vintage Jewelry?

Leather Bracelets And The Appeal Of Using Vintage Jewelry

When it comes to leather bracelet treasures, what’s the great appeal towards vintage jewelry? You see Hollywood’s A listers wearing it, coupled with modern couture. We see a huge market and appeal via Estate Jewelry shops, and antique fairs. So many of the styles of clothing in today’s fashion world, are returning to by gone eras.  What was once old, is new again in the fashion world!

Leather Bracelet Traditions

We know that fashions and leather bracelets often times repeats itself from decade to decade. When it comes to vintage jewelry, few can afford today’s creations that have the same kind of workmanship and quality as in yesteryear. Finding that one great piece at a vintage fair can send your heart racing! The color, the setting, the Old Hollywood feel transports us back to the days of glamour. It’s just down right beautiful, made so well, and seems to transport us back to a different time and place. We wonder who wore it? When was it made? What kind of story is behind the piece? The engravings on many pieces lead us on a hunt for information about the particular designer. When combing through online articles, the interesting past is revealed as to how that company came to be, why it thrived, or failed, and even if it is still thriving! It’s a thrilling feeling! A connection to bygone days.

Vintage Eras

There are so many eras and periods of jewelry to choose from. The Victorian period boasts elaborate pieces, romantic in nature. The intricate filigree and gemstones are seen throughout this era, perhaps showcasing the Queen’s passion for beautiful things. The Art Nouveau period boasted one of a kind pieces, often time derived from the inspiration of flora and fauna. This period was vehemently against mass production in jewelry with their distinctive designs. Many love the Art Deco era…geometric patterns, sleek pieces that scream artsy! 

The ever present appeal of vintage jewelry specially when using them in leather bracelets has manufacturers and designers clamoring to use contemporary designs, that exude a vintage feel. Fashionistas worldwide strive for their own style, a style that is often a combination of old and new. Incorporating vintage elements into today’s fashion creates a must have mentality for most! In with the Old!!

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